1947– / ポーランド POLAND
タイトル: 第 9 回国際ゴンブロヴィッチ フェスティバル
クライアント: ポピュラーシアター
: 2010年
サイズ: 98 × 68cm
印刷技術: オフセット印刷

Title: 9th International Gombrowicz Festival
Client: Popular Theatre
Year: 2010
Size: 98 × 68cm
Printing technique: Offset printing
[ 略歴 ]

1947年、ポーランドで生まれる。 現在、ポーランド在住。グラフィックデザインを専門とし、イラストレーション、書籍デザイン、グラフィックデザイン、音楽などの分野で活動しているレフ・マイェフスキは、特にポスター制作に関わっています。彼はワルシャワ美術アカデミーを卒業し、ヘンリク・トマシュフスキ教授のスタジオで学んだ後、ワルシャワ美術アカデミーのグラフィックアーツ学部で教鞭を執っており、世界中の多くの大学やアートワークショップで講義を行っています。


・ チェコ共和国ウースチ・ナド・ラベムのJ.E.プルキニ大学から名誉博士号。


[ Biography ]

Born in Poland in 1947. Living in Poland. Specialises in graphic design, works in illustration, book design, graphic design and music, but is primarily associated with the form of the poster. 
He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, graduating in the studio of Professor Henryk Tomaszewski. 
He teaches at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and many other universities and art workshops around the world. 

For many years, Lech Majewski collaborated with the Munich City Museum in Germany, creating the visual identity of the museum and relaunching many art albums. He has received countless international prizes and awards. Lech Majewski has had many solo exhibitions and participated in many prestigious exhibitions and art events in Poland and abroad. He has been a juror of many competitions and biennales around the world. His poster, designed for the 16th International Meeting of Jazz Vocalists in Zamość, was selected as one of the 100 most important posters of Europe and the United States created between 1945 and 1990.

President of the International Poster Biennale in Warsaw. He has been organising the biennale since 1990. 
Honorary professor at PaTI Paju Typography Institute in Korea.
Doctor Honoris Causa of the J.E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic.
Winner of the Sutnar Award at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Winner of the Master's Eye Award at the Triennale of Posters in Trnava.
Awarded the 'Gloria Artis' gold medal and the 'Pro Masovia' medal for outstanding artistic achievements.
Has his own graphic design and music studio.

Lech Majewski says that even if a poster does not change the world, it helps to improve it and is a perfect record of a place, time and event.
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